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Daily Activity Report (DAR)

1 min read


The Daily Activity Report provides a detailed summary of all events related to a specific guard within a selected date range, including MME, incidents, and checkpoint scans each colored in a unique way for better visualization. Commonly referred as DAR, it is a daily summary of a guard’s work activities. It provides a detailed account of how a guard spends their time during their working hours. . It is grouped by Tour and displays Tour Totals at the end of each Tour and a Total Number of Events at the end of the report.

To access this report, click on the “Reports” tab in the top toolbar and select “Daily Activity Report” from the dropdown menu.

Before running your Daily Activity Report you must apply some filters.

  • Scan Date between – and: Specify the date range of the report. The default Date Range is between DAY-1 and DAY-1. That means that the report will display all the events that have occurred “yesterday” from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
  • Client Name: Specify the name of your Client (if available)
  • Guard Name (mandatory): Specify the name of your Guard
  • Event: Specify the events you want to display on your report (the default selection contains all events except missed scans and tests)

Click on Apply so that your report is generated with the filters you have selected.

Select the  icon to export your reports to various formats like .pdf, .xls, .csv etc

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