Events Browser
After logging in the Web Application, the managers land in the system’s Main Screen and are greeted by the Events Browser! The Events Browser serves as the main hub, allowing users to oversee and manage their field force, to swiftly filter relevant information and to make informed decisions based on the available, real-time field data.
Through the Events Browser, managers can quickly assess what occurred, who was involved, and where those Events took place. Additionally, they can easily export their filtered views into comprehensive reports, saving both time and effort.
Toolbar – Functions Bar
At the top you can see the main toolbar of the application, with the following options:
- the Company icon, which provides access to the entirety of the Company’s structure (Company Details, Branches, Clients, Checkpoints, Users, Guards) and some extra features (Custom Maps, SOS Buttons, Safepass Clients, Guard Trail)
- the Routes where you can create, edit, organize and have an overview of your Schedules
- the Mobile Forms, where you can create, edit and assign Mobile Forms
- the Resolution Center where you can handle Issues like Alerts (Incidents, SOS Events etc.) from the moment that they were first reported until their final resolution
- the Welfare Check where you can activate the Welfare Check function for your field force
- the Reports where you can access an array of built-in Reports
- the BI where you can harness the capabilities of our Business Intelligence tool
- the Actions Log where you can see a detailed log of all Actions taken in your Account
Main Screen breakdown
Functions Bar Bar
Navigate through all the basic features of the Web Application
Account Settings/Help/Notifications
Change the language of the Web Application, Edit Account and Billing details, view important updates for the Web Application
Field Force
Select Guards/Workers in order to filter out Events produced by them or to send them a direct message, track their location etc
Monitor all Events’ activity on the map
For submitted Events, you can see all relevant details such as location coordinates, attached Multimedia, Notes, Event Timestamps etc.
Filter Events Tutorial
Our system is event-driven, meaning you can monitor what has happened or what’s currently taking place in your operations in real time. This allows you to have a detailed overview of your operations and act quickly when needed. Let us walk you through how to filter and view your Events:
Step 1: Select Guard/Worker
Start by selecting the specific Guard/Worker whose Events you’d like to review. You can also bulk-select all personnel by ticking the respective checkbox. This will allow you to view events submitted by multiple team members at once.
Step 2: Set the Time Range
Next, adjust the time range for the Events you want to view:
Use the calendar buttons to pick your desired start and end dates.
Take note that by default, the current day is pre-selected.
Step 3: Apply Filters
Now, it’s time to narrow down your Event search by making use of the Filtering Tools:
You can choose specific Event Types to focus on (e.g., Incident Events, MMEs).
Or make the most of the advanced filtering options (e.g. to fetch Events for a particular Client) to refine your results further. For example, you can single out Events which have a Mobile Form attached to them (by selecting the “Only Show Out of Range Scans” option in the Scans section) or fetch Events that have occurred outside of their Geofenced area (via selecting the “Only Show Scans with Mobile Forms”).
These detailed filtering options will help you find exactly what you’re looking for, every single time.
Step 4: View, Analyze and Export
Once your selections and filters are set, simply click on the “Refresh” button -or toggle the Auto-Refresh button (“Auto”) to enable the auto-refreshing of the Events Browser.
All relevant Events will instantly appear for your review. You can also Export this View into an Excel or PDF file simply by clicking on the “Export To:” button.
If you need more space to view the Events list, you can minimize the Map above the Events Browser. Alternatively, you can expand the Map to see where each event occurred in its geographic context, adding a valuable layer of insight.
You can also double-click on each Event to have a detailed breakdown of all the relative data (like the respective time stamps, the coordinates etc.)
With these simple steps, you can easily keep track of your operations and ensure that all critical events are right at your fingertips!