
Apply pivot in the crosstab in the two following ways:

  • Pivot the entire crosstab by clicking on the icon to switch the places of rows and columns.
  • Pivot a single group.
    1. Pivot a single row group by right-clicking it and selecting the Switch To Column Group option.
    2. Pivot a single column group by right-clicking it and selecting the Switch to Row Group

Remember that pivoting will remove any custom sorting applied to headings in your crosstab but will not affect the column or row sorts.



Use the slice feature to keep or exclude group members in your crosstab. To slice, right click on a group member and select one of the following:

  • Keep only: Select this option to remove all groups except the selected one from the crosstab.
  • Exclude: Select this option to remove the specific group from the crosstab.


There is an option of selecting more than one row or column groups but one cannot slice by both row and column groups at once.