Using the Resources in the Repository

After you find your resource you are able to do the following:

  • Left click on the name of a report/dashboard/Ad Hoc and view it
  • Right click on the name and gain access to the context menu depending on your permissions.
  • Click anywhere in the name row (except the name) and select the resource. Use the Control +click to select multiple resources. Right-click on one of the resources to perform actions for every selected one. If you cannot perform an action, it means that the action is unavailable or you do not have permission to do so.
  • Upload images in the image folder to use on your dashboards.

While you navigate through your folders you can see a clock icon appearing next to your report. That means that the specified report is scheduled to run or it is already running on the background. Click on the icon to view the list of jobs scheduled for the report.