By default, a crosstab shows the Totals of numeric values as the sum of the values in a column. The user can change the data that the crosstab displays as the Totals value for a period of time using the Time Balance options. These options allow the change of the Totals to display the first and last numeric values for the period. If one wants to change the time balance, he must require the crosstab to use the Date field. It is impossible to drill through the data when there is a use of the Time Balance option other than the default or when there is the use of the Day-of-the-Week for the grouping.
Changing the totals calculation using time balance:
- Go to the Ad Hoc View and right click on the column or row header you want.
- Select the Change Time Balance option from the context menu that will open.
- Select the option you wish to use. This option can be one of the following:
- Time Balance Default: This option will display the summary of all the numeric data for a period of time as the Total value.
- Time Balance First: This option will display the first numeric value for a period of time as the Total value.
- Time Balance Last: This option will display the last numeric value for a period of time as the Total value.
Note: The crosstab will be updated to show the new Total values automatically after your configuration.
Changing the Data Format
Change the formatting of the rows and columns containing numeric data such as dates and monetary amounts. (The default format for non-integer fields use the 1,234,.56 format and the integers use the -1234)
Changing the data format for a column:
- Go to the Ad Hoc View Panel and right click on the column or row header you want to change.
- Select the Change Data Format option from the context menu that will open.
- Select the format you want to use.
Resizing and Layout
Many of the layout and formatting options that are set manually in tables are set automatically in the crosstabs. The Row and Column sizes are fixed and no spacer is available.
Drilling through Data
The Drill through option is available only for crosstabs. A drill through table displays the supporting details for the selected rollup value and opens in its own window or tab, depending on your browser settings.