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Custom Maps

3 min read


Through the Custom maps feature, you have the ability to upload your own custom maps to QR-Patrol! Using this function, you are able to view your Guards actions on the Events Browser on top of your personal maps layers, thus having a much more personalized view!

You can upload a map by following the steps below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: For optimal results, the Markers should be placed on the 3 corners of the map image; if not possible, then it is essential that they are at least not aligned, and are as far as possible from each other.
Note: This is helpful for buildings with more than one floors, since it enables you to view that particular floor (for the Scan/MME/Incident events of the respective checkpoints) on the Events Browser!
Your map has been set-up! Now, every time a Guard sends some event within the defined by the map location, or scans some checkpoint assigned to that map file, you can check his actions on the Events Browser above (or around) the uploaded map! This can be defined via the Events Browser:
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